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DIN EN ISO 16890 and DIN EN 779

Air filter for general indoor air technology

Test standards DIN EN ISO 16890 and DIN EN 779

DIN EN ISO 16890 is an international testing standard that deals with the evaluation and classification of air filter systems and has replaced DIN EN 779 since July 2018.
EN 799 only considers a limited range of particle sizes and does not always reflect the actual performance of air filtration systems in real application scenarios. EN 779 did not always provide meaningful results, especially for finer particles that can be harmful to health. ISO 16890 sets new standards for filter performance and is increasingly preferred in the industry.


ISO 16890: The powerful air filter rating standard

ISO 16890 uses the so-called “particle size distribution efficiency” to classify air filters, instead of just looking at efficiency at 0,4 microns as before. This approach takes into account different particle sizes and is therefore more realistic as the particles in the air can be of different sizes.
According to the standard, air filters are divided into four groups:


From EN 779 to ISO 16890: The development of filter classes

A direct conversion of the filter classes is not possible because ISO 16890 has an extended evaluation range for particle sizes and the classification is more differentiated. However, as a rule, rough guidelines can be used to establish an approximate correspondence between the filter classes of EN 779 and the filter groups of ISO 16890. When selecting the appropriate air filter, the particle size range that is critical for the application is particularly important.

Filter class according to EN 779:2012ePM 1ePM2,5ePM10Coarse
G2---30 %-50 %
G3---45 %-65 %
G4---60 %-85 %
M55 – 35 %10 – 45 %40 – 70 %80 %-95 %
M610 – 40 %20 – 50 %60 – 80 %>90 %
F740 – 65 %65 – 75 %80 – 90 %>95 %
F865 – 90 %75 – 95 %90 – 100 %>95 %
F965 – 90 %75 – 95 %90 – 100 %>95 %

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